Expect detours and delays in the Frazier Park area during to the Holiday Parade Saturday, December 11,2021 starting at 5:15 PM. Se esperan retrasos y desvíos debido al desfile de Navidad en el área de Frazier Park el sábado 11 de diciembre, empezando a las 5:15 PM. Por favor, planifique en consecuencia.
Attention route 140 and 145 passengers. Due to the Lamont Christmas parade Saturday December 4th, all local stops in Lamont will be inaccessible for the duration of the parade. The parade is expected to start at 10 AM at Mountain View Middle School and end at Sunset Middle School. Please expect delays, detours, and plan accordingly…. Read more »
Kern Transit routes 100 and 250 will not stop at Senior Center and Metrolink in Lancaster from 8 AM -12PM December 4,2021 due to street closures for the Christmas Parade. Las rutas de Kern Transit no se detendrán en Senior Center y Metrolink de Lancaster de 8 AM a 12 PM el 4 de diciembre… Read more »
Kern Transit routes will not be stopping at GET Downtown Transit Center from 4 PM to 8 PM on December 2,2021 due to street closures for the Bakersfield Christmas Parade. Las rutas de Kern Transit no se detendrán en el centro de transito GET de 4 PM a 8 PM el Jueves 2 de… Read more »
There will be no bus service Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25th. No habra servcio de autobus el dia de Accion the Gracias, el jueves 25 de noviembre.
Effective Tuesday, August 10, 2021 until further notice. Bay A will be closed. Routes 100 & 110 will stop at 22nd St. at Eye St. Routes 115, 120, 130 140, 145, & 150 will use Bay H. A partir del Martes 10 de Agosto, 2021 hasta nuevo aviso. La Bahia A estara cerrada. La ruta… Read more »
Beginning next week, all service on Route 220 (Lake Isabella – Kernville) will be suspended. Also, Route 227 will only be offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and will be limited to three trips per day. Dial-A-Ride service will be available for local trips. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to resuming our… Read more »
Beginning next week, all service on Route 220 (Lake Isabella – Kernville) will be suspended. Also, Route 227 will only be offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and will be limited to three trips per day. Dial-A-Ride service will be available for local trips. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to resuming our… Read more »
In observance of the Memorial Day holiday, there will be no Kern Transit bus service on Monday, May 31st. Regular service will resume on Tuesday, June 1st.
As of the afternoon of June 18, 2020, the California Department of Public Health now requires face coverings in public, high-risk settings in response to growing evidence that face coverings help inhibit the transmission of the coronavirus. “Californians must wear face coverings when they are … waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit…or… Read more »